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German Recycling Technologies and Waste Management Partnership e.V.

German RETech Partnership e.V. provides structural and organisational help to Export Initiative Environmental Protection projects focusing on waste management and the circular economy.

Who we are

German RETech Partnership e.V. (RETech) is the network of German businesses and institutions in the waste management and recycling sector for the export of innovative technologies and the transfer of know-how. RETech brings together businesses and institutions from across the entire spectrum of waste management and recycling – from collection and logistics to processing and marketing, as well as consulting, planning, research and training. RETech’s work is supported by an advisory board, with contributions made here by the BMUV, BMBF, BMWK and BMZ, the UBA, GIZ, the KfW, the GTAI and (as associations) the BDE, bvse, VKU, VAK and the VDMA.

Our engagement

With this network, the RETech platform offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity to support the establishment of a well-organised waste management system worldwide, and therefore significantly promote the environment needed for the export of German waste management and recycling technology. A key focus here is the targeted development of individual solutions for integrated waste management strategies in selected target countries, while also being careful to consider the country-specific circumstances.

What we do

Thanks to market preparation activities from the Export Initiative Environmental Protection (EXI), RETech creates the necessary general administrative, technical and legal conditions for overseas business.

In addition, the creation of lasting partnerships, characterised by mutual trust and appreciation, both within Germany and abroad, is an important success factor for RETech, as these help to achieve the goal of supporting German green tech companies with internationalisation and the establishment of sustainable circular economy and waste management strategies in foreign markets. With these long-term partnerships, RETech can network existing expertise in a more targeted manner while promoting international and interdisciplinary communication, so as to develop and implement project ideas with domestic and global partners that ultimately result in the establishment of technologies and methodologies.

Drawing on its wide-ranging network and extensive member structure, RETech is also a point of contact for many actors in the circular economy, both at home and abroad. As a result, RETech can share knowledge and establish contact where needed with expert partners.

Experts from the worlds of manufacturing, research and consulting all participate in the RETech working groups. Representatives from RETech members work with the advisory board to develop individual solutions to problems faced by the recycling and waste management industries in selected target countries. Joint projects are also initiated and long-lasting relationships established.

Our working groups:

  • Funding
  • Household waste
  • WEEE
  • International, currently consisting of 5 regional working groups:
  • China
  • India
  • MENA
  • CIS
  • Emerging and developing countries
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Luise Billen German RETech Partnership e.V.
Advisor International Projects & Public Relations
+49 179 2235667 Email