Regional activities

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Regional activities of the Export Initiative Environmental Protection

The ‘Export Initiative Environmental Protection’ (EXI) aims to promote international knowledge and technology transfer in particular. Alongside seven topical action areas, such as the circular economy, water and waste water management or green hydrogen and fuel cell technology, regional activities have also formed a point of focus for EXI funding measures since 2016.


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Karte von Afrika mit folgenden markierten Ländern: Nigeria, Kenia, Tansania, Kap Verde, Südafrika, Namibia, Botswana, Ägypten, Ghana, Angola


Funding measures from EXI in Africa form an important geographic and topical point of focus for the programme. During the funding period 2021–2022 alone, there have been 14 projects to date, some of which focused on the topic of the circular economy.

Karte von Asien mit folgenden markierten Ländern: Fidschi, Indien, Indonesien, Kasachstan, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippinen, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam und pazifischen Inseln

Asia and Pacific islands

Asia and the Pacific are two of the focus regions for the EXI. If activities in Eastern, Central and Southern Asia and the Pacific Islands are considered collectively, most of the projects were implemented there up to 2023.

Karte mit folgenden markierten Ländern: Albanien, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Bulgarien, Griechenland, Kroatien, Nordmazedonien, Rumänien, Serbien und Slowenien

Balkan region

In the Balkan region, EXI has funded projects in nine countries since 2016. During the overall funding period, the projects can be grouped by a total of three focus topics: circular economy, water/waste water management and cross-sectional technologies.

Karte von Südamerika mit folgenden markierten Ländern: Brasilien, Chile, Kuba, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivien, Peru

Latin America

In Latin America, 12 projects received funding within the 2021–2022 funding period. These focused on topics including the circular economy as well as water and waste water management.

Karte mit folgenden markierten Ländern: Saudi-Arabien, Jordanien, Ägypten, Iran

MENA region

Since the formation of the ‘Export Initiative Environmental Protection’, 22 projects have been funded in Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Two-thirds of this funding was provided during 2021 and 2022.


The Export Initiative Environmental Protection has funded the rollout of a regional waste strategy in Ukraine since 2019. Funding volume over the entire project term amounts to EUR 2.7 million. Implementation is being handled by partner organisation GIZ.