Tree planting campaign

Taking action against climate change
EXI projects are planting trees – get involved! Trees take up CO2 from the air and so make a valuable contribution to countering climate change. The Export Initiative Environmental Protection (EXI) is calling for tree planting in the target countries of funded projects.
Trees help to cool the air temperature in their immediate environment, while also offering a habitat for many plants and animals. Figures from the WWF show that an average of 13 million ha of forest are lost to clearance activities every year. The situation is being made significantly worse by climate change and illegal (cf. WWF forest degradation). The Export Initiative Environmental Protection aims to use the tree planting campaign to raise awareness and make a small contribution to countering these trends.
Get involved by planting a tree
All of the Export Initiative Environmental Protection projects are being asked to plant a tree in their implementation country during their project. The tree planted will grow together with the project while also helping with climate change mitigation.
Make your green engagement visible. Provide us with a short report and a photo of your ‘project tree’ so that we can publish both of these on the EXI website.
Tree planting campaign
Would you like to plant a tree? We'll be happy to report about it. Please contact us by e-mail. Keyword: Tree planting campaign Exportinitiative Umweltschutz +49 30 72618 0999 Email