We provide you with details of relevant databases and websites about knowledge transfer and networking with actors both within Germany and abroad. These have been created within the ‘Export Initiative Environmental Protection’.
Export Initiative Environmental Protection +49 30 72618 0999 Email
Angola – recycling depots and recycling
Residents can drop off recyclable material at the EcoPontes recycling depots and receive a token payment for doing so. The organisers of EcoPontes are pursuing the goal of making recycling sustainable and economically viable anywhere in the world. If you are interested in opening your own recycling depot, please use the website to contact the project partner. Project participants include Rodieck & Co. GmbH and Nehlsen Ambiente Angola (implementation) as well as Nehlsen AG (project management).

Germany – IHK ecoFinder
IHK ecoFinder is Germany’s biggest portal for environmental companies. Anyone looking for organisations and companies in the environment and energy sector can use IHK ecoFinder to find them – quickly, easily and nationwide.

Global: GIZ GreenTech Knowledge Hub – platform for information, expertise and knowledge sharing
The GreenTech Knowledge Hub offers a virtual space for knowledge sharing, best-practice examples, insights and innovative approaches. Here you will find event announcements, publications and expertise from global partner organisations, and can enter into dialogue with a wide range of experts.

India: PRANA – Portal for Regulation of Air Pollution in Non-Attainment Cities
PRANA is a portal for monitoring the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP), which was set up by the Indian Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) with the aim of preparing action plans for air pollution control in Indian cities. The portal provides real-time data on air pollution figures in various Indian cities, the measures taken to reduce atmospheric pollution and the milestones achieved to date in the implementation of the action plans for air pollution control. The portal was developed by GIZ for the Export Initiative Environmental Protection from the BMU.

Kazakhstan: Online networking platform for waste management/circular economy
The AHK Kazakhstan has set up an online networking platform for German and Kazakh companies and organisations working in the waste management and circular economy sectors. The platform is aimed at actors such as government agencies, non-governmental organisations, environmental experts, research institutes, and businesses interested in environmental issues and sustainable development. In particular, the platform aims at promoting networking and knowledge sharing, and offers a library of relevant information, documents and presentations, a chat function, newsletter and much more besides.
Use of the platform requires a registered account.

Nigeria – Circular economy coordination
This centralised online marketplace aims to enable the coordination of all stakeholders from the circular economy sector in Lagos and beyond. When used to its fullest extent, ‘Circulary’ offers independent third-party providers along the circular economy value chain a free-to-use platform where they can find offers for buying and selling recycled materials as well as other forms of waste.

Philippines – Green Hydrogen Knowledge Hub
The Green Hydrogen Knowledge Hub was set up as part of the AHK Philippines project. The Hub brings together all of the project results, such as studies, events and information about supplying Southeast Asia with green hydrogen.

Philippines – Waste Water Knowledge Hub
The German-Philippines Chamber of Industry and Commerce has worked with various partners to complete a programme of workshops on compliance with waste water legislation for SMEs in the Philippines. One of the outcomes is a Knowledge Hub that provides a range of material on the topic.