
Video clips about projects and topics from the Export Initiative Environmental Protection

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Here you can find videos about projects from the Export Initiative Environmental Protection, such as the ‘Chambers for GreenTech’ initiative, and about topics like the circular economy or hydrogen and fuel cell technology for decentralised, off-grid power systems.

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    Tacking plastic pollution with multi-use systems in Malaysia

    In Southeast Asia, the Export Initiative Environmental Protection is supporting governments in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand as they work with various partner organisations to phase out single-use plastic, reduce waste, and process waste for recycling and reuse.

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    Ukraine: regional waste management strategy for Poltava Oblast

    In Poltava Oblast in Ukraine, GIZ is supporting the Export Initiative Environmental Protection on behalf of the German Federal Environment Ministry (BMUV), and working with local regulators and authorities to develop a regional waste management strategy with the aim of improving waste management in the region.