AHK Chile H2

The Use of Green Hydrogen in Off-Grid Locations and Smaller Power Grids

Grant recipient

DIHK Service GmbH


  • NOW
  • DWV
  • GIZ
  • Hochschule Esslingen
  • Fraunhofer ISE
  • Minenergía (Ministry of Energy)
  • H2 Chile (Hydrogen Association)
  • ACERA (Association for Renewable Energies and Storage)
  • MUCH (Association of Municipalities)



03/01/2021 to 10/31/2021

Priority areas

  • Sustainable urban and regional development
  • Green hydrogen/fuel cell technologies

Funding priority

Pilot and model projects abroad

Target countries


Hydrogen has great potential as an energy carrier to fundamentally change our future energy supply - in stationary as well as mobile applications - and to make an important contribution to its security and sustainability in the future. The great advantage of hydrogen is that renewable energies can be stored on a large scale and transported over long distances.

The aim of the project was to demonstrate the potential for the use of green hydrogen in off-grid applications, in island and medium electricity grids and thus to promote further electrification in Chile, to decarbonise the grids, which are often supplied decentrally by diesel generators, and in this context specifically to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 7 "Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and sustainable energy for all" and 10 "Reduce inequalities".

To this end, a study was prepared that identifies concrete areas of application for hydrogen in the above-mentioned fields, quantifies the potential reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, analyses business opportunities and the current framework conditions in Chile, and describes the key companies, institutions, organisations, authorities and their decision-makers in Chile and Germany in the sector. In addition, the study identified existing opportunities as well as weaknesses and strengths of the Chilean market. In order to present the results of the study, to formulate strategic working approaches in the field and, based on this, to jointly discuss content and speakers for the technical forum, a virtual roundtable was organised with representatives from the most important stakeholders from Chile and Germany. In order to conclude the project, a technical forum was organized with German and Chilean experts and private sector representatives. After the forum, a short networking event took place where German technology providers could exchange ideas with the participants in virtual "networking rooms". The aim was to support the transfer of German environmental technologies in the hydrogen sector.