AHK Ghana H2

Green hydrogen production, storage and use in decentralised energy systems: Capacity building, market and requirement analysis in Ghana

Grant recipient

Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Ghana (AHK Ghana)


  • Ghananian Ministry of Energy
  • Ghananian Energy Commission
  • Ghananian Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology
  • GIZ Ghana Office
  • West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL)
  • Ghananian Standard Authority
  • GH2GH-Consortium



07/01/2024 to 05/31/2026

Priority areas

Green hydrogen/fuel cell technologies

Funding priority

  • Capacity building
  • Initial projects
  • International networking
  • Country study
  • Event

Target countries


The initial situation

In Ghana, rural areas are facing considerable challenges in electricity supply, which have not only economic, but also social consequences. Although the country has made progress in electrification, access to reliable and sustainable energy remains insufficient in many rural regions. There is a lack of political and regulatory framework conditions to establish the infrastructure necessary for green hydrogen and to coordinate capacity building.

The approach

The AHK Ghana project is aiming to expand the production, storage and use of green hydrogen through decentralised energy systems, so-called mini-grid systems, and to improve access to energy in remote areas. In addition to preparing a market study, the project work concentrates on qualifying the stakeholders involved to ensure that deficits within the political and regulatory framework are identified and resolved in the long term. German experts will provide support in identifying market opportunities and coordinate projects more efficiently.

The objectives and measures

One important measure is to coordinate the activities of existing hydrogen projects with German financing. The aim is to prevent multiple endeavours, ensure the efficient and targeted implementation of various measures and yield synergies between various initiatives. In addition, a comprehensive market study and dialogues with local actors are identifying production potential for green hydrogen, including current applications in the country.

Another important component of the project is the assessment of the legal and regulatory framework conditions necessary for developing strategic capacities. Investments in the hydrogen sector are intended to be increased by means of stronger participation of the private sector. The necessary knowledge transfer is to be achieved through targeted training courses for experts in government authorities.

In addition, workshops, conferences and networking events will help to make access to investment opportunities in the hydrogen market easier for German actors. The measures are also intended to support the exchange of knowledge and create valuable connections within the hydrogen value chain.


Flurina Graf Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Ghana +233245381283 Email