Decentralized power generator using fuel cell technology
Grant recipient
- CBC GmbH & Co. KG
- Universität Bayreuth - Chair Manufacturing and Remanufacturing Technology
- Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA
- AHK India
- Fraunhofer Office India
- Bavarian-Indian Centre for Business and University Cooperation
01/01/2022 to 08/31/2024
Priority areas
Green hydrogen/fuel cell technologies
Funding priority
Pilot and model projects abroad
Target countries
The initial situation
The objective of the “Eco-FCGen” project was to develop and manufacture a prototype of a hydrogen fuel cell technology-based power generator for later industrial use and to subject it to two endurance tests. This prototype should replace the use of greenhouse gas-emitting diesel generators in the medium and long term. The target country for an endurance test and subsequent marketing was India.
The approach
During the course of the project, the technical development of two prototypes was accelerated and they were subjected to a factory test. A service and maintenance concept was also developed, as well as a training course on how to use the system safely. Furthermore, a sensor unit was developed and tested to enable the monitoring of the condition of the fuel cell stack. Active networking in Germany and India enabled relevant contacts to be established and the market and environmental potential of the technologies to be confirmed.
Due to major technology-specific challenges in the technical development and the integration of the various technology components, the planned endurance tests in India and Germany could not be conducted.
The objectives and measures
The project provides valuable points of reference for further research and development, including the implementation of endurance tests, the derivation and specification of forecast models for the service life of fuel cell stacks and the analysis of suitable cycle strategies depending on the condition assessment. The findings will also be further utilised by the consortium, applied in development work for industrial customers and compiled in a progress report.
Dipl.-Ing. Norbert Schuchert +49 160 5835 614 Email