Collaborative Action for Single-Use Plastic Prevention in Southeast Asia
Grant recipient
Contractor: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Thailand: Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, BMA
- Malaysia: Economic Planning Unit, Office of the Prime Minister
04/01/2023 to 12/31/2025
Priority areas
Circular economy
Funding priority
- Capacity building
- Pilot and model projects abroad
Target countries
Thailand, Malaysia
The module aims at supporting the enabling conditions to reduce single use plastics and packaging waste in Thailand and Malaysia. In Malaysia the module additionally provides policy advice on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) systems. This will create opportunities for the implementation of environmental technologies, such as deposit systems, reverse logistics, sorting, inspection, separation, and recycling technologies. The tailored technical solution finding is supported through targeted matchmaking in local environmental technology fairs, as well as through the collaboration of Thai, Malaysian, and German industrial associations.
The project builds on the experience, partnerships and successful implementation of the "Supporting the Environmental Protection Export Initiative" project from 2019 to March 2023.
In Malaysia, the project focuses on political recommendations for eco-design, with the aim of establishing a legal framework for existing minimum design standards, such as those for plastic packaging. These
minimum standards are intended to introduce increased recyclability and a higher proportion of recycled material, as well as regulate environmentally harmful chemicals.
At the outset of the project, institutional and legislative conditions will be analyzed to develop recommendations for incorporating the eco-design guidelines. Once accepted, the project will support the establishment of capacities for implementing and monitoring the reform, if they are not already in place. Simultaneously, product groups will be selected that can contribute to reducing single-use plastic, and new eco-design standards will be developed, or existing ones revised. This selection and development will also be based on a specific study of problematic plastic types in Malaysia.
Subsequently, the new standards will be implemented on a trial basis with industry pioneers. The results of this trial will be evaluated and incorporated into legislative consultation. Additionally, technical guidelines will be created and shared with relevant stakeholders.
The project will also provide policy advice to support the development of a legal framework for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) systems with the key actors.
In Thailand, the focus lies on the development of reusable and/or deposit systems for public events and festivals. International experiences indicate that the introduction of such local reusable/deposit systems holds significant potential for waste reduction. However, the experiences from the first phase of the CAP SEA project have shown that these systems only succeed when they are locally embedded and supported by public policies.
The city of Bangkok has ambitious environmental goals, including waste reduction. Therefore, the Bangkok city administration is highly interested in collaborating with the CAP SEA project to develop approaches for avoiding single-use plastics. The project will create a guide for avoiding single-use plastics through local reusable and/or deposit systems at the community level. Furthermore, the project will support the introduction of water refill systems in Bangkok by providing recommendations for the deployment and maintenance of such refill systems.
Alvaro Zurita Email
More information
Factsheet: Collaborative action for single use plastic prevention in Southeast Asia (PDF, 3.87 MB, EN)