GIZ: India Air Pollution Control

Improving air quality in Indian cities

Grant recipient

Contractor: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH


Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, MoEFCC



04/01/2023 to 12/31/2025

Priority areas

Circular economy

Funding priority

Capacity building

Target countries


The exchange of knowledge is a component of the GIZ project on air pollution control in India.


Air pollution in India is a serious problem that affects many cities and has detrimental impacts on both public health and the environment. The main contributors are vehicle emissions, industrial exhaust, and agricultural burning.

To address this issue, the Indian government introduced the "National Clean Air Programme" (NCAP) in January 2019 through the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (MoEFCC). This national strategy aims to reduce particulate matter and coarse particles in identified cities by 40% compared to 2017 by 2026.

Aim of the cooperation

The module to improve the air quality in Indian cities is part of the global project "Environmental Protection Worldwide" implemented by GIZ on behalf of the BMUV Export Initiative Environmental Protection. 

The objective is to build necessary capacities in air pollution management for effective implementation of NCAP at the national level and in selected cities that exceed the pollution limits set by the Indian government.

The previous module within the Export Initiative Environmental Protection made a significant contribution to the administration and monitoring of the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) by utilizing a digital online tool called PRANA, which means 'life.' Since March 2022, national authorities have been using the PRANA portal's intranet for all communications and updates related to NCAP. The proposed continuation aims to integrate German technical solutions and knowledge networks to support the efforts of the Indian government, selected states, and city administrations in combating their air quality problems.

Key recommendations at the national level by MoEFCC and Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) include strengthening the NCAP program's management and monitoring system at the national level to achieve desired results and monitor air pollution reduction. This involves enhancing the organizational framework, suggesting new activities, and establishing a technical support unit at MoEFCC. Additionally, activities in the module encompass documenting knowledge products (e.g., success stories, good practices) and fostering city networking to facilitate information and knowledge exchange.

The project builds on the experience, partnerships and successful implementation of the "Supporting the Environmental Protection Export Initiative" project.


Nukala Raghu Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Office India
Responsible for Implementation