LearnGreen 2.0
LearnGreen 2.0: Scaling-up Green Finance in Latin America
Grant recipient
- Deutsch-Brasilianische Industrie- und Handelskammer São Paulo (AHK São Paolo)
- Deutsch-Bolivianische Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK Bolivien)
- Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gGmbH
07/01/2024 to 11/30/2025
Priority areas
Cross-sectional technologies
Funding priority
Capacity building
Target countries
Bolivia, Brazil
The initial situation
The “LearnGreen 2.0 - Scaling-up Green Finance in Latin America” project aims to offer a comprehensive learning programme on the green financing of sustainable technologies in the Latin America region. To date, access to financing has proven to be a bottleneck for investments in environmental technologies. Companies are frequently unable to present planned investment projects to potential sponsors. The banking sector, on the other hand, often lacks knowledge and specific financing products.
The project implemented jointly by Chambers for GreenTech and the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management comprises two central components: In cooperation with AHK Bolivia, it deals with the demand for a company-focused training programme. On the other hand, the offer for the bank sector developed in the preceding LearnGreen 1.0 project is being introduced and expanded to Brazil, the largest financing market in South America. This is intended to improve the financing possibilities for sustainable investments in green technologies.
The approach
The new learning programme “Masterclass Sustainable Projects and Financing for Companies” planned as part of the project is aimed at companies from industry and the manufacturing sector. It provides participants with know-how about financing issues and existing financing solutions in the area of sustainable, green investments and helps them to present these in a “bankable” way. LearnGreen 2.0 also ties in with the previous project, in which the “Certificado de Experto en Finanzas Verdes” course was developed and successfully piloted from 2021 to 2022 with the support of the Environmental Protection Export Initiative.
The objectives and measures
The AHK Bolivia and the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management are piloting a new, practically oriented course for local companies and the manufacturing industry. At the same time, the AHK Sao Paulo and Frankfurt School are translating the preceding course for the financing sector target group into Portuguese and adapting it to the Brazilian market. The materials are supplemented by practical examples from the region, live sessions, project work and a study tour to Germany for selected participants of both courses. The aim of the project is to enable high-quality education and training in the field of green technologies, which will have a positive effect on sustainable financing knowledge in Latin America. The project strengthens relations between Germany and Latin America by promoting the exchange and transfer of knowledge and offering opportunities for new business relationships.
Vera Franken +591 2 2795151 Email