Pilot project for the development and validation of a microplastic filter for the Asian market

Grant recipient

Klar2O GmbH



06/01/2024 to 01/31/2026

Priority areas

Water and waste water management

Funding priority

Pilot and model projects abroad

Target countries

Singapore, Japan, Republic of Korea (South Korea)

The beads used in the filter are regenerative, recyclable and reusable.

The initial situation

It is estimated that around 60% of the world's plastic waste comes from five Asian countries, whose waste management systems are unable to keep up with rapid economic growth and increasing populations. Western countries such as Germany also contribute to plastic pollution by exporting plastic waste to Asia over many years.

Microplastic and nanoplastic particles pose a potential health risk. It is estimated that up to 325 plastic particles enter the human body with every litre of drinking water worldwide. Pollutants such as chemical substances or biological pathogens, including bacteria, can adhere to the tiny plastic particles and thus enter the human body. There they can cause toxic, inflammatory, hormonal or even DNA-damaging impacts. It is therefore decisive to take preventive measures to minimise exposure to these particles.

The approach

Klar2O GmbH has developed an innovative technology that completely filters microplastic and nanoplastic particles and thus the adhering toxins out of water. This filtration takes place via a patented biochemical surface. The principle is based on interactions between the coating and the particles. The coating is applied to billions of small membrane pores. This achieves an extremely fine filtration of plastic particles at a high flow rate.

The objectives and measures

The objective of the project is to successfully adapt and introduce Klar2O technology to the Asian market. For this purpose, the existing technology is being further developed and adapted to the specific conditions in Asia. Local water analyses as well as laboratory and field experiments are being conducted to validate the effectiveness of the filter technology with regard to filtration efficiency. A detailed market analysis is being conducted to identify market requirements and potential and to transfer the technology to market-relevant products for the B2B and B2C sectors. During this process, legal barriers hindering market entry will be identified and overcome. Targeted partner acquisition and cooperation with local actors in the sector will promote the implementation of the technology into a marketable product.


Ahmad Fähzan Klar2O GmbH
Kirrlacherstraße 6
76646 Bruchsal