AHK Kazakhstan 2
Intensification of German-Kazakh cooperation in the waste management sector: knowledge transfer for the implementation of sustainable waste management measures in Kazakhstan
Grant recipient
DIHK Service GmbH
- Delegation der deutschen Wirtschaft für Zentralasien
- Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources (Kazakhstan)
- German Recycling Technologies and Waste Management Partnership e.V. (RETech)
- Verband der deutschen Wirtschaft in Kasachstan (VDW)
- Kazakh Association for Waste Management KazWaste
- Deutsch-Kasachische Universität (DKU)
- Central Asia Sustainable Innovation Bureau (CASIB)
07/01/2024 to 11/30/2025
Priority areas
Circular economy
Funding priority
Initial projects
Target countries
The initial situation
In Kazakhstan, high waste quantities, improper disposal and an inadequate infrastructure for recycling and waste recycling pose enormous challenges for the environmental sector. There is a high investment requirement for the establishment of a sustainable waste management system. At the same time, an intensive exchange of experience and international partnerships offer the opportunity to guide Kazakhstan into a more resource-efficient direction in the long term and make the country a pioneer for sustainable development in Central Asia.
The preceding project "Waste and Circular Economy in Kazakhstan" has already established extensive networks with local experts, government authorities and environmental organisations that have profound knowledge of specific challenges and opportunities in Kazakhstan's environmental sector. These valuable relationships are now to be intensified and developed further.
The approach
The project focuses on the exchange of knowledge and experience with Kazakh stakeholders in order to establish sustainable and long-term framework conditions and to intensify cooperation between Kazakhstan and Germany in the waste management sector. It adopts a comprehensive approach, combining education, digitalisation, networking, political support and investment.
The objectives and measures
In order to benefit from the previous investments in the long term, the technical expansion of the existing IT platform is to be accelerated. The platform, which was developed as part of the preceding project, is already making an important contribution to networking and the exchange of expertise and experience between Kazakhstan and Germany. It acts as a central point of contact for information transfer. The new project aims to increase the user-friendliness of the platform.
In addition, a one-week eco educational tour with company visits in Germany is planned. A Kazakh delegation will gain insights into sustainable waste management practices exactly tailored to their specific needs and requirements. The practical application examples are supplemented by an advanced training course that provides additional theoretical knowledge.
Regular meetings of the working group members and participants of the delegation trip also intensify cooperation and facilitate the development and implementation of projects and measures. Furthermore, specific recommendations for action to improve waste management are being jointly developed. In addition, an investment component in the field of biogas is being implemented in the project. The details will be developed in the working group meetings.
Inna Schirly +7 727 356 10 61 Email